I use SoundCloud to discover and follow new artists and music projects because the online music platform is an ideal place for that.
But I can’t deny that being restricted to using the service from my browser because I don’t fancy having the mobile app on my phone sucks. I personally don’t know the reason why that is the case but I’m glad someone like Michael Lancaster exists.
The Chicago-based developer is the one behind the cross-platform SoundCloud client that made my day when I discovered it.

SoundCloud can be installed on Linux using Soundnode, is a desktop app developed using Node.js and Angular with a beautiful UI and smooth process transitions.
It is equipped with all the services SoundCloud provides together with a handful of keyboard shortcuts to hasten ‘workflow’.
The app is so easy to use that if you have used SoundCloud before then you don’t need any guides to using it.
Soundnode Features
- Native media keyboard shortcuts
- Search feature for new songs
- Easy navigation
- Listen to songs from your Stream, Likes, Tracks, Following or Playlists
- Like songs and save to your liked playlist
- Full playlist feature
- Follow/Unfollow users
Install Soundnode to use SoundCloud
One awesome feature about Soundnode is that it is portable and does not require any fancy tweaks and can be easily installed using following commands on Debian/Ubuntu systems:
$ curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/JonasGroeger/soundnode/script.deb.sh | sudo bash $ sudo apt-get install soundnode
Soundnode is also available for other Linux distributions as well, simply download zip file for your architecture and run the executable file to play Soundcloud desktop app in Linux.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Soundnode” style=”squared” url=”http://www.soundnodeapp.com/#download” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#dd3333″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
How to Use Soundnode in Linux
When you launch the app for the first time, you will be asked to either enter your login details or to create a new account from within the app.
After the login process is complete, the next screen will display your profile picture, name, an option to log out, and your number of followers, as well as the number of users you follow.
On the same left under the profile info section are panels titled Top 50 (which can be filtered by Genre), Stream, Likes, Tracks, and Playlists. Switching between panels could never have a smoother experience.

The app has a search bar on its top panel and on its extreme right a settings icon containing about, settings, news and shortcuts, options.
Soundnode works so smoothly it is now my permanent SoundCloud Client for Desktop.
That’s all you need to do. Once the installation is complete you’ll be able to launch Soundnode using your preferred app launcher.
All SounCloud users in need of a desktop client, Soundnode is the answer you’ve been looking for.
website seems to be broken .-.
Awesome sound app. Thanks a lot!!
Happy to be of help, Mr. Dados 🙂
If you want to add this repo on Linux Mint 18.1 just add as described, but then edit sources and change it from “linuxmint/ serena” to “ubuntu/ xenial”, reload the list and you’re good to go 😉
Thanks for the tip. I’m waiting to see if any Linux Mint users will confirm that the tip worked for them